OCTOBER 13-16, 2022 GalerieERGA 6394 St-Laurent Blvd, Montreal

The solo exhibition I will present in Montreal October 13-16 will showcase the new path I have taken my art on over the last two years. LEGATO, music term meaning notes played in one breath, explores the absence relating to the passage of life cycles through faces and figures. Traces of people and events blurred by time are a palimpsest which I use to mold a presence over the absence.

I worked all summer creating paintings for my solo exhibition in a converted garage studio in Vermont. The twenty-five paintings forming this body of work intertwine with each other mainly by the atmosphere surrounding the subjects and the colour tone. In June I took a break to participate in an Encaustic workshop where I learned to transfer and embed images in wax paint. By using this process the faces I make naturally blend into the LEGATO series and I will inclue two small groupings in the exhibition.